
Hello! I am a network and voice engineer with a love of information security and digital forensics with 18+ years in information technology and military experience. I am community leader for Black Hills Information Security Discord server. I also support the work of Trace Labs and have on supported their Missing Persons CTF as a judge and contestant.
I enjoy solving problems, volunteering, and finding the most obscure coffee places. I am available for training, consulting, and coffee if your in the area. Hit the social media links above or on Discord (link at the top).
- Marine Corps Cyber Auxiliary
- Information Systems Security Association
- High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)
- AFCEA International
- iOS Forensics: Data hidden within Map Cache Files
- Part of Master's program thesis
- Contribed to iLEAPP
- Yogesh Khatri (@SwiftForeniscs) added modifications on the VMP4 files. You can read about my analysis on this addition on iOS Forensics: VMP4 File format
- Organizer and MC
- Talk at conference: Virtual Lab Setup
- Conference was over two days with half day of talks and participates were encouraged to take part in several CTFS.
- Topics: OSINT, Phishing, Troubleshooting, RMF, Cloud
- Conference Talks (YouTube Playlist)
Conference Volunteered
- Intro Sec Conference 2020 & 2021
- Supported the NeverLAN CTF
- The Diana Initiative 2021
- Supported as a Sponsor and Community Manager.
- Panelist on "Blue Team Careers: SecOps & Incident Response" (not recorded because part of the Teen Village)