Training: Cyber5w + DFIR Training

Disclamer: I do review courses for Cyber5W and I will give my honest opinion. This review is not sponsored by Cyber5W or Dr. Hadi.
TL;DR: Start here if you are new to digital forensics and watch this space and more classes are being released through out the year.
Who are Cyber5w (from the site):
We are a team of digital forensics specialists dedicated to helping businesses, law enforcement, and individuals understand and investigate cyber crime. We love solving puzzles, teaching, and asking questions – which is why "5W" is part of our company's name.
Dr. Ali Hadi is the co-founder and an instructor for Champlain College. Champlain College is where I completed my Master's in Digial Forensics Science and where attended one of the classes by Dr. Hadi. Follow him on Twitter and The Leahy Center to follow his research and courses.
Cyber5w contains the following training areas:
- Case Studies
- Intro to Forensics
- Linux Forensics
- Mobile Forenics
- Windows Forensics
There is a certification going to be released in additional to some instrcutor based courses. The platform is catered to forensics professionals of all levels. There are several courses that are free:
- Intorduction to Evidence Acquisition
- Introduction to Digitial Forensics
- Intro to Linux from a Forensics Perspective - Tsurugi Version
The courses contain a mix of video, documents, and exercises. As of the moment of this writing, you need to setup the exercises locally; however, you are given all the information and download links.
Unlike other training platforms, Cyber5W specifically is releasing training in an a la carte style where most of the paid courses are $50 (at the time of this writing). There are no bulk courses or reoccurring plans. You purchase the courses in the specific areas you want to learn.
You can take this information an expand on it through online challenge platforms such as [Blue Teams Labs Online], Cyber Defenders, or Let's Defend.
If you are looking at getting into digital forensics, then Cyber5W might be a starting point. You can also check out my Reading List for extra reading materials.